Our Businesses
  • Public Investments
    Our public investments business focuses on exceptional public companies meeting our criteria for business quality, management, and price. Our investment approach is characterized by a business-centric focus based on the belief that public investments represent fractional ownership of businesses and that over the long-term, market prices reflect underlying business fundamentals. As a result, we prioritize owning great business that are growing and have competitive advantages. We do not attempt to time the market and are instead focused on long-term business results. We stay invested and look to take advantage of market volatility to capitalize on opportunities. We are long-only, unlevered, and manage a highly-concentrated strategy.
  • Private Holdings
    Our private holdings business specializes in the acquisition, development, and long-term ownership of private enterprises in the United States and Canada, all underpinned by permanent capital and a no-debt policy for both operational activities and acquisitions. We view our private holdings business as a distinct corporate home for private companies that is dedicated to preserving and perpetuating business legacies. We are growth focused and target substantial reinvestment of earnings back into our companies to continue to grow. Under a decentralized management framework, our businesses maintain their independence while leveraging our expertise and network, strategically positioning them for long-term success in an ever-changing business world.
  • Advisory Services
    Our advisory services business offers a diverse range of capabilities to investment firms, family-owned businesses, and institutional investors. Leveraging our expertise in both public and private investments, along with our extensive network, we provide clients with unique solutions in transactions, capital decisions, and strategic planning. Transaction services encompass acquisitions and divestitures advisory, transaction analysis, valuation, structuring, and negotiations. Capital decision advisory assists clients in managing their capital structures and allocations to meet business and investment goals while mitigating risks. Strategic planning delivers tailored solutions for our clients to meet their strategic and financial objectives, solves unique challenges, and anticipates future problems and provides advice in advance.