About Us

Founded in 2020, Kovac Group is focused on pursuing our goal of establishing ourselves as a leading investment firm in the world of business and finance while ensuring that our results are achieved in a manner that is fair and built on great partnerships where everyone who works with us benefits and succeeds. This vision informs the way we operate as an investment firm.

We seek excellence in our business and are focused on providing superior investment results and advisory services. We believe our firm's involvement across public investments, private businesses, and advisory services fosters collaboration between these three businesses, enabling each to enhance and complement the others. This collaborative approach provides us with distinct insights and enables us to create unique value for both our investors and advisory clients.

We acknowledge that to become a leading global investment firm and deliver superior investment results and advisory services, we depend entirely on the Lord blessing our work, helping provide the necessary resources, and enabling and empowering us to achieve these results. In connection with this work, our first and primary objective is that God might be magnified through the achievement of such superior results if it's according to His will that it may be seen that God still hears prayers, still is faithful, and still can be fully trusted in all things. Our second objective is to ensure that we prioritize our time with God, family, and health, and that we do not sacrifice these for work.